Monthly Archives: October 2022

Bankruptcy May Not Stop Dischargeable Debt From Being Paid
As a creditor, you take a risk when you lend money. A business you may have an account with that is in trouble financially and struggling to pay down debt owed to you is a problem. If they file for bankruptcy and you are one of the categories of debt that is considered dischargeable,… Read More »

Trust Litigation In New York And Trustee Removal
When a trust is created, the assets held within are handled by a named trustee. The trustee is expected to manage the trust to benefit the beneficiaries. But, if a beneficiary believes that the trust has violated their fiduciary duty, then they may decide to take legal action and have the trustee removed. Often… Read More »

How Does Secured Credit Work?
When you take out a loan for money and you put up collateral as a part of that process to be approved, the lender you are working with is considered a secured creditor. The collateral is what secures the line of credit or the loan that you have been approved for. Collateral would be… Read More »

Business Inheritance And Will Contests
When a person dedicates a good portion of their life to building a successful business, this is something that should be given careful consideration during estate planning. A business owner may have family involved who work at the company and help run everything. Even if family members do not work at a business, an… Read More »