Category Archives: Estate Trust Litigation

Trust Litigation In New York And Trustee Removal
When a trust is created, the assets held within are handled by a named trustee. The trustee is expected to manage the trust to benefit the beneficiaries. But, if a beneficiary believes that the trust has violated their fiduciary duty, then they may decide to take legal action and have the trustee removed. Often… Read More »

Business Inheritance And Will Contests
When a person dedicates a good portion of their life to building a successful business, this is something that should be given careful consideration during estate planning. A business owner may have family involved who work at the company and help run everything. Even if family members do not work at a business, an… Read More »

4 Reasons Why Wills Are Contested
One of life’s necessary but unpleasant topics to think about and act on is end-of-life planning. Contemplating about one’s own demise or that of a loved one is not a pleasant subject, but establishing an estate plan is a critical action that individuals should do while they are in good health to better ensure… Read More »